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Maggie Ndasi - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Maggie Ndasi
Nacido enCameroon
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Jessie Ekukole
Maggi you may be gone but your lit will continue to shine through all whose lives you touched. Rest in peace jessie
Keng Banyong
Ma Maggi, 5days b4 the 5th i was with u im lighting a candle for u. may the lords will be done. Rest well. ebore bot
Jackie Atang
May Our Lord give you a perfect place in the comfort of his kingdom...may your sweet soul rest in perfect peace!
Vivien Fonjong Allo
Good people must die, but death cannot kill their Good deeds on earth. You shall be missed. Rest in Perfect Peace with the Lord.
Egbe Mbiwan Monjimbo
Rest in perfect peace, sister maggie!
Ferdinand Nji Tanji
Ma Maggie!!!!, you will be remembered for ever. It is certain tha God loved you more than all of us. Rest in Peace with the Lord.
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